środa, 29 stycznia 2014

Office 2010 running on Linux Mint 16 with WINE

This manual refers to Linux Mint 16, kernel 3.11, Wine 1.7.11 and Office 2010!

How to do it the easiest way:

1. install python-software-properties package
> sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

2. add Wine repository
> sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
> sudo apt-get update

3. install Wine package
> sudo apt-get install wine1.7 winetricks

4. install winbind package - without it Office setup fails
> sudo apt-get install winbind

5. setup variables for Wine
> export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_office_2010
> export WINEARCH=win32

of course you can set another folder as WINEPREFIX

6. install required files
> winetricks dotnet20 msxml6 corefonts

7. mount Office iso as a device
> sudo mount -o loop Office2010.iso /mnt

8. enter Wine shell
> wine cmd

9. change drive and run setup
> F:

WARNING! drive letter visible in windows cli can be different

10. That's all - setup should go without problems